if you can serve it, you should be able to dish it

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by hoejack_whorseman
image showing if you can serve it, you should be able to dish it

Elliott2030 on June 14th, 2021 at 01:23 UTC »

I need this level of confidence in my life.

_Atoms_Apple on June 14th, 2021 at 01:24 UTC »

Table games dealer here.

I work for tips. When a player says “thanks for nothing” after my table time my standard response is “Yeah you too.”

Rosiepoo51 on June 14th, 2021 at 02:35 UTC »

I'm a 60 year old black woman and it's time for young adults to call their elders out when we are disrespectful, rude, or straight up in toxic. In my time, we could never do that, and it ruined many marriages, lives, and was the major cause of child abuse going unreported. My elders knew who's crazy uncle was molesting their nieces and nephews, who was secretly addicted to drugs, and they kept those family secrets hidden and allowed anger and resentment to fester and called anyone who spoke up or sought treatment, a traitor or worse. We do deserve respect, but not at the cost of destroying family members.