Having a loving boyfriend over a shitty husband

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Sir-Jarvis
image showing Having a loving boyfriend over a shitty husband

kinda_whelmed on June 7th, 2021 at 16:02 UTC »

Can you imagine dusting that bad boy? That’s a lot of mugs.

AndrogynousRain on June 7th, 2021 at 17:56 UTC »

My wife buys hideous, ridiculous, fluorescent chicken/metal bird statues and sticks them in flowerbeds around the yard. The stuff you see on clearance at Ross.

She gets so EXCITED when she finds a new one. Sure, our yard now makes us the ‘weird people’ on the block, but how can you get upset when the person you love runs up to you in a bargain store with a day-glo parakeet on a stick so bright you you can see it from orbit and says:

‘I just found Hermann and he is the best parakeet in the world!! He is going to live in the rhododendrons with Herbert.’ 🤷‍♂️ Shes like a happy kid at Christmas.

Accept the people you love. Even if they’re total dorks.

(Edit: good lord, this went into orbit. Thanks for the awards folks, but really, get yourself a coffee instead.)

(2nd edit: don’t have any pics but I’ll take some soon and post them for you all to enjoy. Fair warning, she just started this fairly recently so it hasn’t reached epic proportions... yet)

borrow_a_feeling on June 7th, 2021 at 19:23 UTC »

My first husband isolated me away from any friends and family, in the lovely state of Florida, no less. We had a 600 sq ft, 1 room apartment. I wasn’t allowed to work, or even go to the apt pool while he was at work, because there “might be guys there.” No smart phone, no internet access, no cable TV. No nothing. All I had to do at home was watch DVDs on the tiny old school tv we had. He talked down to me every day because I watched The Simpsons over and over. They were familiar and comforting to me. “You’ve seen these all a million times. I don’t know how anyone can stand to watch the same damned thing over and over.” I don’t know how he did it, but he found a way to get so upset over me watching the Simpsons, he’d literally have me in tears over it every few days. He eventually ended up grabbing me by the hair one time and repeatedly smashing my face into the dash of his truck.

Fast forward 10 years. I left my ex in Florida and never looked back. I met the love of my life at a Simpsons trivia night. All that watching came in handy. Our teams were tied for first place, and he and I were the ones that got sent up to go head to head for the tie breaker. We started talking after the game and bonded over our shared fandom. We got married in 2017 and have a beautiful kid and the Simpsons references flow freely in our peaceful home. It’s really, really nice.