Getting rid of abortion to own the libs

Image from and submitted by TimBuckOne1
image showing Getting rid of abortion to own the libs

Bflontv on June 4th, 2021 at 18:07 UTC »

They’ll also start giving up their kids after birth, and since we already have 100,000’s of kids in homes waiting for families, I’m sure all the pro-lifers will be opening their doors. You know, the same way they ask liberals who argue for a legal pathway if they are taking in illegal immigrants. Pro-life means Pro-birth, after that they don’t give a damn about the kids...just look at those states education figures (looking at you Bama!)

nazrad on June 4th, 2021 at 18:58 UTC »

That’s just for poor people. Rich people will just take their daughters/themselves to another state.

agutema on June 4th, 2021 at 19:32 UTC »

Can’t wait for these same legislators to cut funding to already overworked agencies that manage the welfare of children. Oh wait.