Fair enough

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by vvvewnnn
image showing Fair enough

Ibuildempcs on May 19th, 2021 at 14:52 UTC »

I mean in the current market we literally have to tell people to go buy prebuilts.

I'm just glad they are now covering prebuilts so that we know which ones to avoid.

Thanks for making it clear not to touch you with a 10 foot pole, Dell.

loondenouth on May 19th, 2021 at 16:04 UTC »

I’ve always wanted to build my own. But with the current market and my living accommodations at the time, (tiny apt) I went ahead and bought prebuilt. No issues whatsoever with my pc and it came at a decent discount imo. 3070, 16 gigs ddr4, 1 tb ssd, b450, and windows included. All for 1500 on Amazon.

$2,050 at time of writing.

BlearyLine7 on May 19th, 2021 at 17:19 UTC »

I always appreciate Steve's advice and attitude toward the PC crowd.

Like he actually tells people 'you don't need to buy this' whereas every other techtuber is constantly telling you 'this part is the ____ killer!' 'Upgrade now' (presumably due to commission from affiliate sales) whereas his advice is 'Well how is your current system performing?' 'Are there any games you can't currently play?' 'would new hardware fundamentally change the way you game for the better?'

It's refreshing to see someone treat viewers as actual people, informing them of the stuff no one else tells you; it's more environmentally friendly to not upgrade every couple years. He'll tell you that maybe a pre-built is right for you if you fit into certain situations.

I think I just like that he doesn't treat people as 'consumers' a word I've really gotten to hate. Especially when people (myself included) have taken to referring to themselves as consumers instead of customers. Just mindless beings that consume, that's the way companies want you to see yourself.