That’s billionaires for you

Image from and submitted by FinisUnit
image showing That’s billionaires for you

sarduchi on April 28th, 2021 at 15:44 UTC »

... but food hoarding is a known primate behavior. So the only real takeaway is that monkeys don't have magazines for sociopaths. But if they did, I'd read it...

wastingtoomuchthyme on April 28th, 2021 at 16:47 UTC »

Because if you're nice to the banana hoarder you might get some free bananas.

teefax on April 28th, 2021 at 17:02 UTC »

The most important thing to take away from this example, is that the limiting factor in bananas never was how many bananas can we gather, but how many bananas can the forest grow. The problem was never that the greedy monkey gathered more bananas than it could eat, the problem was that by gathering so many, there were too little bananas left for the remaining monkeys.

But still there are politicians going BuT tHE mONkEy WorKeD hArD for those bananas, the other monkeys should have just been equally greedy, without realizing that if all monkeys behaved like this, the forest would have nothing left before the bananas were even ripe, and all monkeys would die.