A lot going on

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by kevinowdziej
image showing A lot going on

gpgarrett on April 13rd, 2021 at 11:03 UTC »

The concerning thing about the Boston story, besides the obvious crime and coverup, is how easy it is to put someone all ready corrupted in a place of power and keep them in line.

Fifty4FortyorFight on April 13rd, 2021 at 11:55 UTC »

The head of the Chicago police union posted statements to his social media supporting Capitol rioters and calling for the death of Muslims, has demonstrably filed false police reports, all sorts of terrible things.

It's so bad, he's currently on leave from the police department without pay while under suspension. They've already attempted to fire him more than once. He's been called to resign by basically every major group and politician. And, yet, he still was elected to head the police union. He's the definition of why people hate cops.

cruggero22 on April 13rd, 2021 at 14:14 UTC »

Around 2016-2017 I accepted a job as a PO, transitioning from non-profit social work for the severely mentally ill.

Some number of months in, a young, female probationer came in for a routine check-in. She was very obviously uncomfortable with me. Noting my case manager background I asked if she would be more comfortable with a female PO. This option surprised her. She accepted. The PO I took her to was within my unit. She (the female PO) was skeptical about the female probationer’s motives for wanting to transfer. My coworker asked who her former PO had been. Her answer shocked her. She told me she’d take the transfer and said nothing more. They talked for about 30mins.

When I caught up with my coworker about the ordeal, she informed me that the PO who worked my caseload prior to me had been accused of sexually exploiting at least a dozen female probationers. There were evidences of several on camera within the office and many, many discrepancies within his paperwork.

I was appalled and immediately went to my supervisor to address the issue and to promote advocacy for these victims. At that moment I became a “problematic” PO. They fired the guy 6 months prior to me getting there. They did not investigate. Had no notion as to the scale of his offenses. Did not press criminal charges or encourage any of his victims to do so either. They buried it and said nothing to nobody. This went to the Director and Deputy Director, the highest ranking persons. Nothing happened.

I continued to protest that and other issues. Eventually I was asked to resign. Which I did happily.

Systematically, policing, law, and the courts are beyond reasonable revision regarding the severity of their joint misconduct. Keep in mind that I was one of only a few dissidents on this topic. The other 20 some people in our office were at worst indifferent and at best sympathetic but too scared to do anything for fear of joblessness.

This occurred with the Superior Court of Arizona in Pima County, who employed me as a PO.