Such needless suffering and grief

Image from and submitted by calbert1735
image showing Such needless suffering and grief

FlaAirborne on April 8th, 2021 at 22:59 UTC »

All he needed to do was shut his mouth, let Fauci handle the covid and market MAGA branded masks and he would have been reelected. Luckily he was too stupid to realize that.

SenorBeef on April 9th, 2021 at 00:52 UTC »

This is mostly true, but the anti-vax (vaccine causes autism) movement has been sowing public doubt for over a decade now. We could "afford" it before, because they were rarely able to get enough people to get us below herd immunity (although this did happen in small communities where there were a higher number of anti-vaxxers, we had effectively suppressed diseases start having outbreaks).

But letting them control the dialogue and put out there ideas where it made people who didn't even really buy into it more nervous about vaccines is doing a lot of this damage. They made vaccines into a "gee, I don't know..." topic instead of a "fuck yeah! civilization and medicine are amazing!" topic, which it should be.

The COVIDiots are capitalizing on the doubt that the Jenny McCarthy crowd sowed for all these years. So when someone asks "what's the harm" in believing stupid things, and allowing the propogation of believing stupid things, add "people get suspicious of the best medical intervention in the history of humankind and refuse to use it and put others in danger through their refusal" to the list.

IHateCamping on April 9th, 2021 at 01:01 UTC »

Considering there was a shortage of hydroxychloroquine because he said to take it, I would say this is spot on.