obligatory "no, not like that" title

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by 42words
image showing obligatory "no, not like that" title

uglygreta on April 8th, 2021 at 18:39 UTC »

Fight the hood fight!

MauPow on April 8th, 2021 at 18:56 UTC »

Imagine spending your last breaths on a dipshit like Trump

BranWafr on April 8th, 2021 at 19:16 UTC »

His original "logic" is bullshit anyway. It basically boils down to "if something doesn't kill me, then it doesn't kill anyone." By his own logic, if he survives a car accident, then car accidents never kill anyone. If he survives cancer, then cancer never killed anyone. If he got poisoned and lived, poison never killed anyone. That's not how it works.

Not to mention that something doesn't have to kill you to be real, or serious. Cancer might not kill you, but you might lose body parts. A car accident might not kill you, but you may be paralyzed for life. Covid didn't kill me (although it came pretty damn close), but I have lung damage and other side effects that may last for years, if not forever. It didn't kill me, but my life has been permanently altered for the worse because of it.