Dwayne scrolling through the mess like all of us

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by JustinSaneCesc
image showing Dwayne scrolling through the mess like all of us

PettyKruger on March 22nd, 2021 at 19:02 UTC »

I’m surprised people thought Kylie was a good enough person to actually help someone who isn’t herself.

mango_script on March 22nd, 2021 at 19:53 UTC »

She's not a billionaire -- Forbes stripped her of the title for lying, go figure. However her net worth is like $900 million. True, not all of it is liquid, but this is the kind of ultra rich that she could easily pull out $50K and not notice it because she makes half almost half a million in a day. This is the same woman who bought her 3-year-old daughter a $15K Hermes purse. (This lil' girl is all of three years old and she's rocking merchandise that costs, what, 1/3 of what the average America makes in year?) She can afford to donate $50K to her MUA and not tell a soul but instead she puts it all over social media for clout. She deserves to be dragged by her bleached wig from here to Dubai for being fake and cheap.

SigmaKnight on March 22nd, 2021 at 20:40 UTC »

That line will make its way into Hobbs & Shaw 2.