In Palm Springs (2020), Nyles is drinking "Akupara" beer. In Sanskrit, Akupara means "unlimited, unbounded" and in Hinduism, it's the name of a tortoise described as "one who is without death." Confirmed by the director, source in comments.

Image from and submitted by Numerous-Lemon
image showing In Palm Springs (2020), Nyles is drinking "Akupara" beer. In Sanskrit, Akupara means "unlimited, unbounded" and in Hinduism, it's the name of a tortoise described as "one who is without death." Confirmed by the director, source in comments.

Numerous-Lemon on March 17th, 2021 at 11:38 UTC »


Is there a significance to the beer they drink?

Yes! Akupara is a brand of beer that was invented for the movie. In Sanskrit, the word means "unlimited, unbounded" and in Hinduism, it's the name of a tortoise described as "one who is without death."

"If you look close on that label, there's a graphic that kind of explains the mythology of the world and the earthquake," Barbakow says, recommending a google of Akupara that will take you down a "nice little wormhole, no pun intended, that explains some of the metaphysics behind the movie."

He credits production designer Jason Kisvarday with creating the look of the beer.

Wiger_King on March 17th, 2021 at 13:03 UTC »

I knew I loved this movie when out of nowhere Andy Samberg gets hit with an arrow and yelled out “I thought I smelled you, you piece of shit!”

It was just so wonderfully bizarre.

TooShiftyForYou on March 17th, 2021 at 13:23 UTC »

Andy Samberg has stated that although they never specify exactly how long Nyles has been stuck in this loop, its suggested the sweet spot is somewhere between forty years and forty million.