Ooh yes, maskless equals freedom.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by KeanKho
image showing Ooh yes, maskless equals freedom.

Spartan_Beast_99 on March 11st, 2021 at 10:23 UTC »

Someone needs to tell these clowns and thick-heads that doctors and dentists have been wearing masks for decades. It's up to them whether they believe in the virus or are brainwashed to deny it, but do they realize that masks actually protect people from a lot more than covid? Fungus particles floating in the air, pollen for those who have hay fever, bacteria and cold/flu viruses from people sneezing. You name it, masks protect against the bulk of that. Japanese people, as well as people in some other Asian countries, have also been wearing masks in allergy seasons or cold seasons, out of personal choice.

These bozos will never realize that an airborne virus can be spread by breathing, sneezing or coughing. SMH

GabuEx on March 11st, 2021 at 11:19 UTC »

Honestly, one of the shittiest things to have become popular recently among a certain crowd is the persistent notion that doing literally anything and caring at all for your fellow man is somehow "weak". That to be "strong" you need to punch everyone you see in the face and tell them to get fucked. It's such a lonely way of life.

DeathKnightWhoSaysNi on March 11st, 2021 at 11:46 UTC »

Disobedience is cool right up until someone kneels during the national anthem, amirite tho?