I hope those classmates sell oils they can rub on this burn.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Gieogie_Gal
image showing I hope those classmates sell oils they can rub on this burn.

We_NeedPeace_Niga on March 5th, 2021 at 13:43 UTC »

“Cash app me $50, and you’ll get $500 back. You just gotta wait a few days and get 7 more people to cash app me $50. Trust me bro, it works.”

Fuck you

uhohoreolas on March 5th, 2021 at 13:51 UTC »

I actually have used this year to teach my students a lot about what reliable sources are, what it means to actually "do your own research ", and that just because people are older than them (they're 8) doesn't mean they are automatically right (including their teacher!). We practice how to disagree respectfully using terms like "I see it differently" or how to ask for clarification in a non-aggressive or demeaning way "Can you show me where you found that?" We also have spent a LOT of time focusing on the scientific method and how science is generally very reliable because it's been tested. I could go on and on since it's been almost a whole school year of this but I won't lol

HOPEFULLY these kids take what they're learning and use it as they grow up so we avoid a lot of this nonsense 20 years from now.

Edit: thank you for the award!! You don't have to be a teacher (or even a parent!) to do these things. Kids observe everything from everyone and even if they aren't seeing the examples set in the home, they can easily be watching how you handle your card getting declined at the store, or watching how you react in traffic while they're in the car in front of you, or how you treat those around you. Kids learn through observation more than instruction and no matter who you are, you are a teacher! Whether you know it or not 😊

tsujxd on March 5th, 2021 at 14:24 UTC »

You would think that since so many of our classmates sell life changing essential oils the pandemic would be over by now.