Feels like just 5 minutes ago we were all talking about being Jedi

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by cazman555
image showing Feels like just 5 minutes ago we were all talking about being Jedi

cazman555 on March 4th, 2021 at 08:42 UTC »

I for one bloody love the Census. No idea why.

AlmightyFuzz on March 4th, 2021 at 09:59 UTC »

Silly question: will everyone get a census letter or only a select number?

I've not received anything yet

Edit: Nevermind! The letter has literally just come through the door!

PippaPotomous on March 4th, 2021 at 11:59 UTC »

Last time my mother in law got a temp job assisting people who needed help to complete theirs and nudging those who yet hadn't. One guy who was in the group for their patch got the sack as the power went to his head a little. He was slightly aggressive with his door knocking and they had several complaints. He would yell that he could see them and he had the power to fine people for non compliance.

Instead of calling him out, there was a team meeting with reminders not to look and yell through letter boxes. He then piped up 'can we try to open windows?'