Lost 200 pounds in a year. Just did the 20:4 fast and walked ~5km every day. (360lbs➡️160lbs)

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by FoxyRadical2
image showing Lost 200 pounds in a year. Just did the 20:4 fast and walked ~5km every day. (360lbs➡️160lbs)

FoxyRadical2 on March 1st, 2021 at 17:17 UTC »

Sorry if you’ve already seen it this morning: it was previously removed from a popular subreddit devoted to things that might be considered “next level” for “not fitting the sub.” Hope this fits better here.

Also, 160lbs is about 72.6 kg, for my euro friends

11 stone 6 lbs, if you’re Bri’ish

Edit: Thanks for all the nice things! I would like to answer some questions I’ve been getting:

“20:4” means you fast for 20 hours and you eat your meal(s) for the day during a four-hour window. You can choose any four-hour period that works best for you - for me, it is between 4pm and 8pm.

for foods, I would just make sure you are eating foods rich in protein and good carbohydrates, especially if you are still trying to retain muscle.

for calories, find a BMR calculator online to figure out how many calories your body burns just by existing. To put it very simply: to lose a pound, a week without exercising, you need to subtract 500 calories from your daily caloric intake (your BMR).

I could barely walk a mile at the beginning. I started with walking 30 minutes or a mile (whichever came first) every day. Then I worked up to an hour. I found a small lake near my house that was about 2.5 miles around that I really enjoyed (and it started and ended in the same place), but it was always really crowded. So I looked on Google maps for another lake/reservoir in the area that wasn’t as crowded. Found one that was almost exactly 5km (3.2 miles), and decided to continue walking that course until it got easier. Then when it got easier, I tried to go faster. Then started challenging myself to jog this part here or there. But I try to take it all on a day-to-day basis.

Nanoripes on March 1st, 2021 at 17:47 UTC »

As a dude I can speak for all dudes here on reddit, we appreciate your commitment and we stay right behind you.

Keep it up, king.

Pinkdrapes on March 1st, 2021 at 18:03 UTC »

Looks pretty next level to me. That must’ve taken an insane amount of commitment.