On America

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by one_loop
image showing On America

GenericPCUser on February 26th, 2021 at 03:41 UTC »

A degree isn't even remotely necessary for most of the jobs that require it, it's just a way of keeping white collar work white.

Fuck, I saw a job asking for a Master's that was offering $18.00 an hour, what the fuck is that shit? You basically have to be from a family that can afford to fund a degree in order to justify that, anyone who had to take out loans to get that degree can't work for $18 an hour and expect to escape poverty.

EmmaDrake on February 26th, 2021 at 03:50 UTC »

Have PhD. Am secretary.

Readdeadmeatballs on February 26th, 2021 at 03:56 UTC »

This is assuming the role of American police was ever to protect poor communities and communities of color. Exactly what part of American history would make anyone believe that? Seems like they’re doing what their intentions have always been. Doesn’t seem like something they “can’t figure out”, it seems like they’ve had it figured out for decades. Just like apartheid cops in South Africa and IDF forces in Palestine now.