
Image from and submitted by regian24
image showing Yep.

tdevore on February 8th, 2021 at 13:02 UTC »

I've been saying the same thing about the police. Police forces are institutions which attract aggressive, power-humgry, violent, racist people. No one is saying they're all that way, just that they must be heavily scrutinized in order to weed out the bad ones. The priesthood is much the same.

puppycat69 on February 8th, 2021 at 13:08 UTC »

Yeah not surprising. Our pastor embezzled 13k to pay for his illegitimate daughter. Thou shall not steal smh. Annoying thing was so many people defended him.

SkiThe802 on February 8th, 2021 at 13:48 UTC »

NPR host Robert Siegel made a really great point about this when he retired a few years ago, albeit it was about Islam and not Christianity. He sad that there has not been a radicalization of Islam in the past 20+ years, but rather an Islamitization of radicalism. Radical people will always find the rules and loopholes that let them feel like their actions are justifiable.