Life is difficult, have some mercy

Image from and submitted by braddda
image showing Life is difficult, have some mercy

einfachtraurig on February 7th, 2021 at 01:18 UTC »

Imagine him logging on and finding his shed protected by some randoms, I'd really love that

k20350 on February 7th, 2021 at 01:42 UTC »

Precisely the reason I always played pve Ark. I work 14-16 hour shifts several days a week. I don't have time to rebuild and retame everything every other day

Heiferoni on February 7th, 2021 at 03:09 UTC »

A long time ago I played on a public Minecraft server. In my designated building area, people couldn't break blocks but they could push buttons, open chests, furnaces, etc. So anything you had stored would be raided if you had any doors.

My solution was to set up only one entrance: a steel door with a button. It was in a tight, enclosed corridor and a sign above it begging people "Please don't push the button and come in. I work hard and I'm saving up. Don't take my stuff" or something like that. If people respected the sign, they'd turn around and leave. If they pushed the button, the floor would open and they would fall all the way to the bottom of the map. It was a deep enough fall that they had time to think about what was happening before they hit. At the bottom, of course, was lava, to destroy whatever they had been carrying.

I had rigged it up so it would tell me if my trap had been tripped while I was offline, and it always brought a smile to my face when I'd log in and see that I'd wiped out some would-be griefer's entire inventory.

How did I get in? I had no real entrance. I'd just mine random blocks and replace them as I came and went.