Gun ownership...

Image from and submitted by Powerfulwoman20
image showing Gun ownership...

cement_on_toast on February 6th, 2021 at 07:09 UTC »

Imagine if all those guns were used to demand things that would actually help the owners.... Like healthcare...

RupertNZ1081 on February 6th, 2021 at 07:18 UTC »

Why universal healthcare has become so reviled in the US is beyond me. In pretty much every other developed country it’s the norm (as it should be) but in the US it’s like “socialism is bad, m’kay!” which doesn’t make any sense.

ChocoboC123 on February 6th, 2021 at 08:21 UTC »

Just a bit of context here - the hash tag is about a child (Alfie Evans) in the UK (socialised healthcare) who had a rare and terminal neurodegenerative disorder. The case resulted in a legal battle about withdrawal of life support; his parents wanted to take him to Italy to continue what would ultimately be further palliative care. The courts ruled otherwise.

So the comment is more like "I need a gun so your socialised medicine and courts can't overrule my wishes as a parent, regardless of what is the humane course of action"