u/deepfuckingvalue hitting front pages out here in Canada 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌑🌑🌑🚀🚀

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by just-made
image showing u/deepfuckingvalue hitting front pages out here in Canada 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌑🌑🌑🚀🚀

shaNkwhat on January 31st, 2021 at 00:30 UTC »

Quebec city here, he's also been popping up in a few places



-End- on January 31st, 2021 at 00:50 UTC »

CANADA HAS YOUR BACK BOYS, were ready for Monday with 💎💎💎🖐🤚

master0jack on January 31st, 2021 at 01:51 UTC »

Anatomy of the short attack.

This is what the shorts are doing right now.

Need more proof?

Jim Cramer himself, "here's what short sellers do, it's illegal but when you have 6 days to get out and you're down you need to foment and wipe that guy out quickly".

Investopedia "Short and Distort" - illegal short tactic

Dont feel like reading a novel? The short and dirty (TLDR AT THE FUCKING BOTTOM):

Short Attack:

Sell fake, COUNTERFEIT stocks between hedge funds and increasingly lower ask prices to try to scare other investors into selling and/or to trigger limit sell price points. They've been doing this all week. Each major price drop has been because of this tactic.

Get the media to spread fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Anyone watching CNBC this week has seen this in action.

Spread disinformation through "analysis" to get people to sell their stocks because "the fundamentals aren't there". Again, this is all over the place right now.

Open class action lawsuits against the company/shareholders claiming they're artificially inflating the stock price. Haven't seen it yet, but they've definitely threatened it.

Get the government/SEC involved alleging the same as #4. Definitely happening.

Pull margin shares and sell them. As seen being done by Robinhood over the last two days.

Spread FUD on message boards. Hello 4 million new subs pushing AMC, BB, SLV, etc.

Basically this past week has been 9/10 of the tactics in the short attack playbook to try to either push Gamestop into bankruptcy so they can profit on their short positions or slowly gain them back when people sell their stocks.

Still TLDR: hedge funds lying in the media and selling fake stocks that don't exist to scare us. They don't know our apps don't even have a sell button, only a liftoff button for the 🚀🚀🚀

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