Ethan Klein (h3h3 podcast) joins the battle, this is really some Avengers level stuff

Image from and submitted by jakubwlcz
image showing Ethan Klein (h3h3 podcast) joins the battle, this is really some Avengers level stuff

kali5516 on January 29th, 2021 at 10:03 UTC »

Buying GME today. IDGAF if it goes to zero, I’m here to do battle with these assholes!

blasports on January 29th, 2021 at 10:48 UTC »

Buy my fists stocks in my life, 1000€ baby!!! EU retard backing up our US retards!!

Its not much and im able to lose those 1000€ to be part of this revolution! Lets go baby! To the MOON!!!

YouReceived on January 29th, 2021 at 11:19 UTC »

Robinhood, how about you even it out and delete the SELL-button today?