Just finished a 13 hour night shift on a COVID ward, one of my patients arrested at the end of my shift and Ive come outside to find my new bike has been stolen with no way to get home...

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by browndoctormoustache
image showing Just finished a 13 hour night shift on a COVID ward, one of my patients arrested at the end of my shift and Ive come outside to find my new bike has been stolen with no way to get home...

Kabuki2207 on January 17th, 2021 at 09:27 UTC »

Fuck Man, who even steals from a fucking medical Ward. Hope you find a way to get home safely op

Danny_Mc_71 on January 17th, 2021 at 09:56 UTC »

Fuck that. I'll chip in a few quid for a new bike (and a better lock) if you set up a gofundme thing or something?

wtca77 on January 17th, 2021 at 13:58 UTC »

I would recommend Kryptonite, also some tips.

Use more than one lock, thieves are a lot less likely to attempt to steal a bike with multiple locks.

Don't lock around the top bar. It gives far easier access for bolt cutters or a grinder

Consider a small GPS tracker mounted to the underside of the saddle tucked tight to the seat post

I also work nights in a hospital and there has been a huge spike in bike thefts since COVID started. I use 2 Kryptonite locks, one through the rear wheel and around the lowest part of the frame by the chain. The second around the part of the frame above that, so both locks can be seen together. The third is a cheap cable lock purely to stop the front wheel being nicked, so I loop it through the wheel and the forks.

Good luck with your next bike.