Moms are the best

Image from and submitted by memezzer
image showing Moms are the best

TerpinOne on December 27th, 2020 at 18:36 UTC »

For me, this person was my dad. He grew up homeless and spent most of his childhood living in cars and storage units with my grandma, and so he always made sure that Christmas was a huge event in our home. He worked a second job all year long to save up money for Christmas gifts and birthday presents so my siblings and I never went without; I didn’t realize any of this until I was much older and learned more about my dad’s own life. I love him so much.

56789717 on December 27th, 2020 at 19:25 UTC »

My mom was/is the best. I remember dropped turkeys and pots forgotten on the stove, but a mom who tried so fucking hard even in the midst of an addiction that nearly took her from us. A mom who wore my brothers old clothes so she could afford just a little more for us. She has been sober 10 years now but I haven’t seen her for Christmas in 5 years and damn do I ever miss her. There is no one as generous or selfless as my mom

tyedye85 on December 27th, 2020 at 19:44 UTC »

This is what I’m trying to get my husband to understand. The past few years he keeps mentioning how “it doesn’t feel like Christmas” while I am decorating the house, tree, playing Xmas music, stuffing the advent calendar with goodies, finding crafts for the kid like a gingerbread house, paper snowflakes, window decals, and making sure we watch classic Xmas movies and shows. “Christmas Magic” takes a lot of work to create.