The Daily Populous

Sunday December 27th, 2020 morning edition

image for She Noticed $200 Million Missing, Then She Was Fired

Earlier this year, the governing board of one of California’s most powerful regulatory agencies unleashed troubling accusations against its top employee.

But an investigation by the Bay City News Foundation and ProPublica has found that Stebbins was right about the missing money.

The news organizations’ investigation also found flaws in the State Personnel Board report that Batjer used to terminate Stebbins.

Early on, Batjer scrutinized Stebbins’ personnel decisions, according to previously unreported text messages obtained by the news organizations.

Shortly after she was sworn in as president in August, Batjer texted a former colleague in Newsom’s cabinet.

The commissioners appear to have violated state transparency laws when they later exchanged text messages among themselves about whether to fire Stebbins.

Stebbins was hired as the agency’s executive director in February 2018 to bring fresh scrutiny to its finances and operations. »

Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy produces large, rapid, and sustained antidepressant effects

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Combining the psychedelic drug psilocybin with supportive psychotherapy results in substantial rapid and enduring antidepressant effects among patients with major depressive disorder, according to a new randomized clinical trial.

“Prior studies in cancer patients and in an uncontrolled clinical trial in depressed patients using psilocybin-assisted therapy showed promising results.

This treatment will always have a psychotherapy component and will not be approved by the FDA as a stand-alone medication,” Davis explained. »

Ketamine may ease depression by restoring the brain’s sensitivity to prediction error, study suggests

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The findings, European Neuropsychopharmacology, indicate that ketamine could reverse insensitivity to prediction error in depression.

In other words, the drug may help to alleviate depression by making it easier for patients to update their model of reality.

Neural plasticity is the brain’s ability to form new connections between neurons and ultimately underlies learning and memory in the brain.”. »

Japan to eliminate gas-powered cars as part of "green growth plan"

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The "green growth strategy" urges utilities to bolster renewables and hydrogen while calling for auto industries to go carbon-free by the mid-2030s.

Japan, a nation that is a series of islands, is particularly vulnerable to the challenges that sea-level rise would bring.

As the world faces an environmental challenge, green investment is an opportunity for growth, not a burden, he said. »