My old gameboy colour, still one of the coolest things I own

Image from and submitted by JohnnyStFartHugger
image showing My old gameboy colour, still one of the coolest things I own

JohnnyStFartHugger on December 26th, 2020 at 05:02 UTC »

A little expanation here about what's going on

I bought my first gameboy colour used and the original colour was atomic purple. I had access to a laser engraver at my old highschool and had this awesome idea to engrave gengar (my favourite pokemon) on the middle. I took it apart, sprayed it black and then etched gengar into the middle. My girlfriends brother had some leds that he thought would really make it glow as well since it was initially a clear purple case, so he soldered blue leds in and now everytime I start it up gengar is smiling right at me as bright as possible!

BT13YT on December 26th, 2020 at 05:08 UTC »

Is it cut the whole way through or just thinner in the engraved spots?

iiJokerzace on December 26th, 2020 at 06:36 UTC »

Honestly so fucking cool.

Looks so official man and you have the only one like it on Earth. So cool.