Winona Ryder suffers no fools.

Image from and submitted by Str33twise84
image showing Winona Ryder suffers no fools.

Str33twise84 on December 24th, 2020 at 20:40 UTC »

She told the bullying story to journalist Henry Alford in the August 2000 issue of Harper’s Bazaar:

Henry Alford: Didn’t you get beaten up in seventh grade for dressing up like Jimmy Cagney?

Winona Ryder: I was wearing an old Salvation Army–shop boy’s suit. I had a hall pass, so I went to the [girls’] bathroom. I heard people saying, “Hey, f——-.” They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the shit out of me. I had to have stitches. The school kicked me out, not the bullies. Years later, I went to a coffee shop in Petaluma, and I ran into one of the girls who’d kicked me, and she said, “Winona, Winona, can I have your autograph?” and I said, “Do you remember me? I went to Kenilworth. Remember how, in seventh grade, you beat up that kid?” and she said, “Kind of,” and I said, “That was me. Go f—- yourself!”


bluetortoise54 on December 24th, 2020 at 21:41 UTC »

Hmmm kid getting bullied well let's kick them out they won't get bullied anymore

IStoleUrPotatos on December 24th, 2020 at 22:17 UTC »

"The axe forgets but the wood remembers"