Opinion | The ‘Trump Won’ Farce Isn’t Funny Anymore

Authored by nytimes.com and submitted by Facerealityalready
image for Opinion | The ‘Trump Won’ Farce Isn’t Funny Anymore

To tell a joke to a crowd is to learn a little something about the people who laugh.

For our purposes, the “joke” is President Trump’s ongoing fight to overturn the election results and hold on to power against the wishes of most Americans, including those in enough states to equal far more than the 270 electoral votes required to win the White House.

“#OVERTURN,” he said on Twitter this week, adding in a separate post that “If somebody cheated in the Election, which the Democrats did, why wouldn’t the Election be immediately overturned? How can a Country be run like this?”

Unfortunately for Trump, and fortunately for the country, he has not been able to bend reality to his desires. Key election officials and federal judges have refused his call to throw out votes, create chaos and clear a path for the autogolpe he hopes to accomplish. The military has also made clear where it stands. “We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a speech not long after the election.

VineStGuy on December 11st, 2020 at 13:49 UTC »

It has been McConnell's m.o. since he blocked every federal judicial appointee's of Obama's during the last TWO years of his Presidency. Over 100 Federal and 1 Supreme Court Judge. And he got away with hit and kept his job. Why wouldn't they keep pushing that boundary?

YimveeSpissssfid on December 11st, 2020 at 13:38 UTC »

An incredibly valid rebuke of the modern Trump cult/Republicans:

”Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”

This has never been more on display than right now. The modern Trump party craves power above all things.

LucifersCovfefeBoy on December 11st, 2020 at 12:59 UTC »

When was it funny?