Right this way

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by memezzer
image showing Right this way

Holmes02 on December 6th, 2020 at 04:05 UTC »

“Is this the way to the cult?”

“We’re not a cult. We are glad Trump won the 2020 election and can’t wait for him to make America great again again in the next four y-“

“Yup this is it.”

jklein1114 on December 6th, 2020 at 04:24 UTC »

Wait, Trump rallies are still a thing?

JustBlewInToTown on December 6th, 2020 at 07:09 UTC »

He's made close to 200 million in post-election donations by e-mail blasting his supporters with ambiguous, patronizing messages that ask for their support to fight voter fraud/pay legal fees/etc. In the month of November alone they sent out 498 emails asking for donations(roughly 16-17 emails a day).

Those donations go to a PAC fund that legally has no restrictions on how that money is spent (unless the donation is 5k or greater iirc). These donation requests are targeted at every day, working class people, resulting in a majority of his donations being less than $5,000, as one would expect. He can then take this money to buy real estate, pay for vacations, have custom toddler sized Giorgio Armani gloves made, whatever he wants, without restriction.

It's noted that you could site precedent of the classic case of OnlyFans v Simps, where the donator most likely knows their money is their only value and/or is under an illusion that their contribution brings them closer to their fantasy. The conclusion of this case, of course, famously ending with a mass loss of "Simpathy" for the donator. The verdict being a pop culture reference, and a mandatory sentence of "You get what you fucking deserve".

Nevertheless, though I have little compassion for them, the real losers are his supporters.