I suffer from major depression. These rings represent three days in a row that I have met my workout/movement goals. It’s not a lot, but it’s a start!

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by dominictaf00
image showing I suffer from major depression. These rings represent three days in a row that I have met my workout/movement goals. It’s not a lot, but it’s a start!

Kinder_93 on December 5th, 2020 at 02:30 UTC »

I know it's such a cop out to say but - even marathons start with a single step. It might not "be a lot" but it's something! You're more active than you were 3 days ago and that something to be proud of. There might be days where you don't meet your goal but you've proven to yourself that it's possible and you can do it!

Tchrspest on December 5th, 2020 at 02:38 UTC »

This isn't one win, it's three. And honestly, every single set and every single rep in all three of those days is a win all on their own. Keep at it.

Sincerely, Dysthymic for the past decade

Edit: I don't like the way I came off by ending my comment like that. To me, it feels like I'm saying "I've been this way for X long, so I know these things." And that really detracts from something I try to live by, which is that suffering is relative. I hope it didn't come off negatively at all, OP. Just meant to add it on as an "I see you, I hear you."

SUND3VlL on December 5th, 2020 at 02:42 UTC »

Great job!!! Those rings helped me immensely. Keep going. I had a 200+ day streak and then my dog was diagnosed with cancer. I need to start a new streak.