Suddenly, this isn't Chick-Fil-A's money to do what they want with

Image from and submitted by FlyingDutchman9977
image showing Suddenly, this isn't Chick-Fil-A's money to do what they want with

DatDamGermanGuy on December 3rd, 2020 at 14:32 UTC »

So Charlie Kirk now supports Cancel Culture? The tables have turned...

I_might_be_weasel on December 3rd, 2020 at 14:34 UTC »

Don't worry, Charlie. Hobby Lobby is still funding death squads. Go eat there. They probably have candy at the register.

voluntary_incelibate on December 3rd, 2020 at 15:06 UTC »

Imagine identifying with a fast food chain.

Remember, ladies and gentlemen, this is a right wing ‘intellectual’.


Edit: thanks for the awards, my first gold. I’m not worthy!!

Secondly, to those of you who are calling me disingenuous because the left ‘also does cancel culture’, if you really need me to tell you the difference between not buying a product because a seller is doing bad things - and - being mad at a seller you LOVED for doing bad things because they stop doing bad things... fuck you.

Also, there is a reason I put intellectual in quotes.