These people are the reason democracy isn't guaranteed

Image from and submitted by asianj1m
image showing These people are the reason democracy isn't guaranteed

Willingness-Due on November 25th, 2020 at 02:17 UTC »

Trump losing the election should’ve shown people Q is full of shit.

StartInATavern on November 25th, 2020 at 02:30 UTC »

I get so frustrated with weird Q people like this because they can't even be wrong. They have an unfalsifiable, conspiratorial worldview, and that allows them to basically ignore reality and warp any information they hear to fit into their delusions.

iamnotroberts on November 25th, 2020 at 05:57 UTC »

This is a jackoff on Parler. I mean, talk about low hanging fruit. Like 99.9% of their userbase are r/insanepeoplefacebook It's too easy.

Look, here's another one of his posts:

If you want to debunk something without proof, just call it "baseless" and use the word "conspiracy". For example: "Newton conspiracy physicists continue to spread the BASELESS theory that what goes up must come down." See? It's that easy. #QAnon

Here's a thought. If you don't like your election fraud bullshit being called "baseless" and a "conspiracy" then ask Trump and Rudy to provide all the evidence that they keep screeching about that they totally have and yet every time they go to court and the judge asks for the evidence, they hang their heads in shame and admit they have none. Fucking clownshoes.