Hmm.. I wonder why..

Image from and submitted by crupnick
image showing Hmm.. I wonder why..

TooShiftyForYou on November 9th, 2020 at 04:30 UTC »

You have to give Donald Trump credit, he is the first president to serve one term, be impeached and lose the popular vote twice.

BandDirector17 on November 9th, 2020 at 04:52 UTC »

I so badly want to come up with a funny, smartass comment, but I can't because the statement is true and just sad.

DarthRusty on November 9th, 2020 at 06:05 UTC »

That's part of their "evidence". They can't fathom that there may have been republican voters out there who voted for Biden but then voted Republicans for the rest of the ticket. They literally think that every US voter votes single party for the entire ballot, so Biden winning but Repubs also winning in some states is clear proof of....something, they're just sure if it. And while it's probably uncommon, I'm sure there was an uptick this election. Because Trump.