8 years ago today

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by rhemgrozob
image showing 8 years ago today

MJMurcott on November 7th, 2020 at 13:22 UTC »

If the President was elected dependent on the share of the national vote, then Trump would have lost twice.

sangriya on November 7th, 2020 at 13:24 UTC »

Trump only hates things that are against him

Panwall on November 7th, 2020 at 14:42 UTC »

I mean, the electoral College is still a disaster because it allowed Trump to be elected into office after losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

It is a system, but needs significant reform:

1) State votes should not be granted a "winner-takes-all" basis. We live in 2020, we have the computers that can...you know...count. Basically, you earn you votes based on the districts you win, and only those you win. Take Missouri for example with 11 electoral votes (9 congressional). Missouri is 5/4 split between districts, but awards 11 to the winner. the law of averages doesn't even make sense here.

2) The 2 extra senate votes per state should awarded to whomever wins the popular vote. Or, some type of consensus to split the votes based on margins, like if the split is ever within 5 points of the each, they must split the votes.

Ultimately, both political parties have always seen this as a game until the unthinkable happened and Trump of all people took office. It's not a game. 225,000 died because the president refuses to wear a mask and take responsibility that he's the country's leader. I know some states practice what I've said above, but its not enough. I bet if I dug into it enough, I would find that the majority of states haven't changed practices since the 70s.