Domestic Terrorism

Image from and submitted by MartJonathan
image showing Domestic Terrorism

FantasticCombination on November 2nd, 2020 at 10:45 UTC »

During a get out the vote effort, I spoke with a woman who had survived the Holocaust when she was young. She told me this felt the same, but to take her name off the list because she's to old to get up for the phone everytime it rings and I should be calling other people because she had already voted.

bookhead714 on November 2nd, 2020 at 13:12 UTC »

It’s morbidly satisfying watching people at large slowly start to realize that Trump and everything about Trumpism doesn’t just vaguely resemble fascism, he and his movement is fascist. People warned us back in 2016, and we cried Godwin’s Law. Now we’re here, closer to the destruction of our democracy than any four-term president or court-packing has ever brought us.

DGlen on November 2nd, 2020 at 13:19 UTC »

Can you even image how much that fucking numbskull would be crying if that happened to his bus instead?