Born miserable: 'Some genetically programmed to be negative'

Authored by and submitted by operator139

Are you perceived to be a pessimist? Blame your genes, for researchers say that some people are genetically programmed to be negative.

A new study has revealed the amount of a chemical in the brain affects how people view the world -- in fact, the researchers discovered that levels of a molecule, neuropeptide Y (NPY), directly relates to whether people have a 'glass half empty' or 'glass half full' attitude towards life.

Those with lower levels of the substance are much more negative and find it more difficult to deal with stressful situations; they are also more susceptible to depression, say the researchers.

The team at University of Michigan believe the amount of NPY in the brain is genetically programmed and hope the discovery could lead to early diagnosis of and prevention of psychiatric illness, 'The Daily Telegraph' reported.

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the researchers scanned the brain activity of a number of volunteers as they viewed neutral words (such as "material") negatively charged words (like "murderer"), and positively charge words (like "hopeful").

In response to negative words, subjects with low levels of NPY showed strong activation in the prefrontal cortex, which is involved with processing emotion, while subjects with high NPY demonstrated a much smaller response.

In a second test, healthy subjects reported their emotional experiences during a stressful challenge. Saline solution was injected into the jaw muscle, which produces moderate pain for 20 minutes, but no lasting harm.

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CrankyLeafsFan on November 2nd, 2020 at 09:25 UTC »

Peptide Y do you do this to me!

Why_Did_Bodie_Die on November 2nd, 2020 at 07:49 UTC »

How do I fix it?

Edit: Just because a lot of people keep asking/saying the same things. I've tried and done more drugs both legal and illegal than probably most of you combined. I've grown my own shoorms and have a bunch right now but because of the legal meds I'm on I literally don't even feel anything when I eat 2.5 grams of them. Much more than that and I risk hurting myself from the side effects. So I either have to stop taking my meds or eat a rediciouls amount of shrooms.

Weed doesn't work for me. It makes things WAY worse.

Kratom helps, alcohol kinda helps but is bad for my life.

I've tried all sorts of doctors, changing careers, making lots of money, making no money, moving out of state, lots of friends, no friends. I've tried not doing any drugs or drinking for 8 years. Pretty much anything you can think of I've done it to the extreme. The problem is with my fundamental way of thinking and my massive existential crisis. There have been a lot of good suggestions and there probably is some sort of combination of the suggestions that would help. But it really comes down to knowing that life is inherently meaningless and regardless of what you do you still have to deal with yourself when you lay your head down and if that part is broken then no amount of external actions or inputs is going to change it.

Thank you all for the replies and suggestions!!

gamminEYE on November 2nd, 2020 at 07:12 UTC »

Ahhh the meme of God spilling something in my bowl of creation is true....