Black Californians Accuse 'Trump Train' of Being like 'Taliban Had Come to Town'

Authored by and submitted by BelleAriel
image for Black Californians Accuse 'Trump Train' of Being like 'Taliban Had Come to Town'

Residents of a California city with a majority non-white population have accused supporters of President Donald Trump of intimidation after they took part in a large caravan on Sunday.

Police said as many as 350 vehicles took part in the parade which began at the Marin County Vintage Oaks Shopping Center in Novato and ended at the Gateway Shopping Center in Marin City on Sunday.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, local residents reported that supporters used racist language, including towards children, while taking part in the parade just days before the election.

"I'm concerned about Marin City, because it's the only Black community in Marin and there is only one entrance and one exit," resident Amber Allen-Peirson told the Chronicle. "Are they going to attack us in the future? What was their point? Were they trying to make a statement?"

This was in Marin City today, just north of San Francisco. They went into a high percentage Black community to instigate confrontation. I would bet many of them are affiliated with or family of law enforcement and firefighters. Whitesupremacists wanting to make it the 1950s AGAIN — nate mezmer (@natemezmer) November 2, 2020

Multiple reports of a Trump 2020 rally today at the Marin City shopping center parking lot off Highway 101. Residents are shocked and confused why Trump supporters decided to go to Marin City, a predominantly Black community, so close to Election Day. — Lorenzo Morotti (@Enzomorotti) November 1, 2020

Allen-Peirson also described feeling unsafe at the sight of the so-called Trump Train, adding it was like "the Taliban had come to town."

"It felt like local terrorism, especially since it was Sunday, which is a holy day for the black community," she added. "If this is what is happening on November 1st, then what is going to happen on the 3rd or 4th? It makes me scared of what we can expect moving forward."

The parade was met with counter-protests, including reports of physical altercations and eggs being thrown at Trump supporters.

Sgt. Brenton Schneider of the Marin County sheriff's office said they received no reports of any injuries during the parade and no arrests were made.

"We just did our best to keep the peace," Schneider told the Marin Independent Journal.

Paul Austin, also of Marin City, said he believes the city was chosen as the location for the parade because of its Black community, alleging he too heard racists insults being hurled at residents

"The entire Gateway Shopping Center was nothing but Trump supporters," he said.

"There is nobody who can tell me Marin City wasn't targeted because we are the only diverse community in the county."

Lisa Brayer, a Mill Valley resident who went shopping in Marin City on Sunday, described the procession being attended by "mainly big trucks driven by a group of white men."

She added: "It was exactly like what you see on the news," she said. "It was all a big joke to them, but it was super scary. You just don't expect to see it in Marin at all. It was awful."

The Marin County sheriff's office has been contacted for further comment.

The caravan was one of a number of "Trump Trains" to have taken place across the country over the weekend in the run up to the election.

Thousands of vehicles took part in parades in states such as New York, Colorado and Arizona, with videos posted online showing long stretches of vehicles along highways.

burgpug on November 2nd, 2020 at 13:19 UTC »

they’re doing exactly what they falsely claimed “antifa” was doing — sending in convoys of out-of-towners to stir up trouble in places

moneyquestionthrowit on November 2nd, 2020 at 13:18 UTC »

This happened on my state highway yesterday. If you think making my commute take longer will help convince me to vote your way, you’ve lost your damn mind.

teslacoil1 on November 2nd, 2020 at 12:41 UTC »

Don't forget that to this day, Trump thinks the Central Park 5 are still guilty because they are black. This is after the Central Park 5 were cleared of wrongdoing by DNA evidence.

And Trump spent years on the birther theory about Obama because Obama was black, even after Obama released his birth certificate to prove he was born in Hawaii.

And don't forget that Trump wouldn't even rent his apartments out to black people and was sued by the Nixon administration for it.

Trump privately hates black people but he will be more than happy to fool them just to get their vote.