3 Jewish men taken to Auschwitz the same day, tattooed ten numbers apart, reunited 73 years later.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by knownothingwiseguy
image showing 3 Jewish men taken to Auschwitz the same day, tattooed ten numbers apart, reunited 73 years later.

Spartan2470 on October 29th, 2020 at 19:42 UTC »

Credit to /u/eneeidiot for this platinumed, septuple gilded, and octuple silvered title.

Also, the person on the right is /u/thisnamesnottaken617's grandfather.

Per /u/jgrin08 over here:

The guy in the middle has spoken at my schools for the last 20 years. He’s 91 now, but has travelled all over the world to tell his story. He was separated from his family at 15 and sent to various concentration camps. He was one of the “Birkenau Boys” that were spared by Dr. Mengele to serve as laborers. He lost a toe in those camps. Eventually he came to to US where he met his wife who was saved Kindertransport. He’s also really funny and likes to do magic tricks because his bunkmate at one of the camps taught him some. Very inspirational story.

Here is the source of this image. Per there:


Werner and Walter were 14 when they were 'separated' from their parents and put in Auschwitz. They were tattooed 10 numbers apart. ALL Holocaust survivors I interview still weep when they talk about the moment they were taken from parents.

11:57 AM · Jun 19, 2018

ABF4Us on October 29th, 2020 at 19:45 UTC »

Look at their beautiful faces reminding us to never forget the atrocities done to them and their loved ones.

Caasi6636 on October 29th, 2020 at 20:05 UTC »

This honestly is what pisses me off more than anything when people compare something like wearing mask for Covid to the Holocaust.

No one is abducting you.

No one is forcibly branding you.

No one is gassing your family in front of you.

They’re just asking you to wear a piece of cloth over your mouth for 10 minutes.