What if Sweden had FPTP? [OC]

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Prunestand
image showing What if Sweden had FPTP? [OC]

Xseros on October 24th, 2020 at 21:47 UTC »

S = Socialdemokraterna (social democrats)

M = Moderaterna (Moderate right)

SD = Sverigedemokraterna (Reactionary/nationalist)

C = Centerpartiet (centrist, eco-liberal)

V = Vänsterpartiet (Socialist, Feminist)

KD = Kristdemokraterna (Social Conservative)

L = Liberalerna (Liberal right)

MP = Miljöpartiet (Green, left liberal)

Hope this helped and that the formatting didnt mess up. They are all ordered in Seats generally left to right. Swedish politics are a bit odd from times to times tho. DM if you have questions

Method__Man on October 24th, 2020 at 22:23 UTC »

More diversity is WAY better. Two party systems are fucked . It just promotes tribal polics

writeorelse on October 25th, 2020 at 00:29 UTC »

I want to print this on a big signboard and whack Canadian politicians over the head with it. FPTP is the reason we only hear about 3 parties, and only 2 of them ever get Prime Minister.