"Overwhelmed," Me, oil on canvas, 2020

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Sweaty_Pineapple6060
image showing "Overwhelmed," Me, oil on canvas, 2020

a_nemorosa on October 22nd, 2020 at 23:00 UTC »

Amazing. This really sums up my mood today. Seeing this made me feel less alone with those feelings so thank you. :)

circusgeek on October 22nd, 2020 at 23:36 UTC »

I'm glad I saw your painting. It is a reminder of a minor detail during a very hard time in the life of my family.

My sister passed away and dozens of flowers were sent to our house. It was a jarring feeling, having these beautiful floral arrangements and what they represented. We wound up putting them all out on the back patio after a few days because it became overwhelming.

Anyway, thank you for this. :)

Sweaty_Pineapple6060 on October 23rd, 2020 at 00:24 UTC »

Oh wow... I just got reddit yesterday and I really wasn't expecting ... well.. THIS.

I just wanted to say for anyone who related to this, that I was painting about quite a difficult period of depression. What worked for me was seeing someone about it. It's difficult to explain everything through words, so I paint. I know that seeing other people go through difficult times makes us feel less alone, and that helps short-term, but I have to say that trying to get out of it is worthwhile, and it is possible.

Meanwhile, I am still figuring out how this website works, and I am Overwhelmed with all the kind responses.. wow... such an unexpected welcome. thank you.