
Image from and submitted by RobotfaceX
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Njordt on October 20th, 2020 at 22:42 UTC »

I have been quite generous with my players, I keep telling myself I'm preparing them for the draught thats ahead, but it never comes. On the other hand, they are digging the cube of force they just got at level 8.

Thotslayerultraman on October 20th, 2020 at 23:25 UTC »

Give them magic items generously then make the fights harder.

snarfalarkus42069 on October 21st, 2020 at 00:24 UTC »

I have always given out a bunch of magic items, let them shop for them in big cities and all that, but it's all just so I can run monsters and encounters to their fullest. Nothing better than a party that feels like it's OP, decked out in magic shit, getting hit and run repeatedly by the red dragon.

"But that's not fair, how are we supposed to hit it?"

"Ancelagor the Immortal Vengeance doesn't want to be hit, Ancelagor the Imomortal Vengeance wants to kill you."