Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens: 'Who are we to close doors?'

Authored by independent.co.uk and submitted by amansaggu26
image for Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens: 'Who are we to close doors?'

Pope Francis has said that he would be willing to baptise aliens if they came to the Vatican, asking “who are we to close doors” to anyone - even Martians.

In a homily yesterday dedicated to the concepts of acceptance and inclusion, Francis recalled a Bible story about the conversion of the first pagans to Christianity, according to reports on Vatican Radio.

He said Catholicism was a church of “open doors”, and that it was up to Christians to accept the Holy Spirit however “unthinkable” and “unimaginable” it appeared.

Describing how, according to the Bible, Peter was criticised by the Christians of Jerusalem for making contact with a community of “unclean” pagans, Francis said that at the time that too was “unthinkable”.

“If, for example, tomorrow an expedition of Martians came to us here and one said ‘I want to be baptised!’, what would happen?”

Clarifying that he really was talking about aliens, the Pope said: “Martians, right? Green, with long noses and big ears, like in children’s drawings.”

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Francis said that Christianity had struggled from its earliest stages with the temptation to reject “the living presence of God” in various forms.

But he added: “When the Lord shows us the way, who are we to say, ‘No, Lord, it is not prudent! No, let's do it this way’. Who are we to close doors?”

While Francis appears to have taken the argument to its logical extreme, this is not the first time that the Vatican has raised the prospect of baptising extra-terrestrial beings.

Tripleshotlatte on October 1st, 2020 at 19:24 UTC »

During a papal address in St. Peter’s Square, he told a young boy sad over the loss of his pet dog:

“One day, we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures,” said the 77-year-old Pontiff, according to Italian news sources.“

AntiSupercilious1 on October 1st, 2020 at 18:31 UTC »

What if the Aliens are the ones who do the baptising?

amansaggu26 on October 1st, 2020 at 17:35 UTC »

Ancient Aliens Guys: "well the Vatican is run by Aliens, so it makes sense they would baptise their brothers"