[moderatorial] Anti-h*meless posts and comments are now a bannable offense in this sub. Word "homeless" joining the ranks of K*ren, n****r, and f****t.

Authored by old.reddit.com and submitted by kex06

Obligatory link to today's Covid/Corona thread

WARNING: Some offensive words are used below.

Many people in this sub are quick to share their less than compassionate attitude towards those less fortunate than them.

This makes me very sad, because it feels like, out of fear, discomfort, ignorance, many of you have reduced, in your mind, a whole bunch of human beings to sub-human. You don't want to see them, you don't want to share space with them, you don't care how they live or die.

Stop kidding yourselves, these people are no worse or better than you or me, and you could easily end up in their place.

They live one day to the next just trying to survive, living through literal torture.

Sleep deprivation, lack of adequate food and shelter, lack of quiet...

These are the same conditions, when thrust upon someone at a place like Gitmo, probably incite angry disapproval in you, don't they?

Have you ever been not able to sleep in peace for days, weeks, months, years, decades at a time?

Have you ever tried to put your life back together when all your fucking identification has been stolen and you don't have any friends or family?

And y'all are cheering for more strigent policies at the MTA, about banning shopping carts, which often contained my only important fucking belongings while I traveled from one home to another? A shopping cart which is no bigger than a fucking wheelchair, which y'all seem to respect. Well, guess what, I am fucking handicapped too, I don't have a building to my name, and I'm just trying to get from point A to point B, carefully, considerately, not bothering anyone, wearing a fucking face covering. Just minding my own fucking business, going through the few fucking elevators that there are. I have a fucking back injury, 200 pounds of laptops, and you want me to carry all this shit on my back? Shame on you!

I was going to write a long-ass essay here, there's a lot more which can be said, but it's been said by many others, just go do some searches.

Here is the gist of it:

The word "homeless" is now on the same list as "Karen", "nigger", "retard", "kike", "faggot", "dyke". It is not banned, but use it at your peril.

undomiciled, the official term at the HRA

or come up with your own kind, compassionate, maybe humorous term

Anti-outdoors posts and comments will officially become bannable offense in this sub.

Now, it's getting colder, so get your old fucking blankets ready, there will be a blanket drive.

Tupiekit on September 26th, 2020 at 17:10 UTC »

"forsaken" that's it now im calling all homeless people "The forsaken" like they are some fallen civilization from a fantasy book

UnicornsShit_Glitter on September 26th, 2020 at 16:11 UTC »

One of the mods just stickied this comment in that thread:

Qadm, a discussion in modmail would have been appreciated prior to a sticky like this. We don't see you in there for weeks and then all of a sudden there's a sticky out of nowhere that seems to be you lashing out at users of the sub (who you don't generally interact with anyway) for experiences you've had in real life that they have nothing to do with. Sorry if you have had bad experiences in life, or are still having them, but the users of r/nyc are not the cause of your personal problems.

Mods can't enforce vague policy like this. I won't enforce policy like this. Myself and other newer mods have asked for clarification on some of the posted rules and never get an answer from whoever actually wrote them for us to understand the intention behind it. Can't keep adding rules then disappearing, expecting the mods lower on the list to deal with the fallout while you're off wherever you are doing whatever you do.

I’ll remove myself from the moderation team later today, in the meantime I'm gonna sticky this comment because stickying things without concern for the consequences seems to be the way we do things here.

jerseycityfrankie on September 26th, 2020 at 15:10 UTC »

I’m a frequenter of that subreddit. It’s got some issues. The mod team is pretty scattered in terms of effectiveness and they don’t all appear to be on the same page in terms of the direction they’re trying to steer. This odd side trip into common words that are now arbitrarily off limits won’t surprise those who use that subreddit. To me this particular mod is fiddling while Rome burns.