11 years ago today I was the idiot. Fell asleep with no seatbelt on. Broken jaw, broken femur, road rash covering the left side of my face, and a hole through the cartilage of my ear. Many surgeries, and I still deal with pain. Don't drive tired and always wear your seatbelt, everyone.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by dontfactcheckthis
image showing 11 years ago today I was the idiot. Fell asleep with no seatbelt on. Broken jaw, broken femur, road rash covering the left side of my face, and a hole through the cartilage of my ear. Many surgeries, and I still deal with pain. Don't drive tired and always wear your seatbelt, everyone.

andraaBD on August 29th, 2020 at 22:28 UTC »

I'm glad you are alive and learned from your experience, so many don't learn.

msannethropik on August 29th, 2020 at 22:57 UTC »

Wow, these are the kinds of things I appreciate seeing on my feed.

This is eye-opening, just thinking about what a common idea it is to get home ASAP, because I’m tired. Holy shit.

I’m genuinely glad you are alive.

mrsprinkles87 on August 29th, 2020 at 23:02 UTC »

I cant even get in a car without instinctively putting on a seat belt, I dont even think about it anymore. If I drive even 20 feet without one it just feels odd.