파주 스타벅스 확진자 56명 나왔는데 '직원 4명'은 멀쩡할 수 있었던 이유

Authored by insight.co.kr and submitted by cantwaittillcollege

[인사이트] 김소영 기자 = 파주 스타벅스발 코로나19 확진자가 지속적으로 증가해 56명까지 늘어났지만, 희한하게도 당시에 있던 직원들은 모두 감염되지 않았다.

지난 19일 파주시 등에 따르면 스타벅스 야당역점 확진자 6명이 추가됐다.

2층 매장에서 30대 여성 A씨 등이 두 시간가량 머물렀을 뿐인데 누적 확진자가 56명까지 증가한 상황.

천장형 에어컨 6대가 분산 설치돼 있던 2층은 비말로 인한 감염이 빠르게 퍼질 수밖에 없는 구조였다.

기사와 관련 없는 자료 사진 / 사진=인사이트

놀랍게도 스타벅스 내부에 근무했던 직원 4명은 멀쩡했다.

정작 이곳에 상주했던 직원들이 코로나19에 감염되지 않을 수 있었던 이유는 무엇일까.

이 미스터리한 상황의 해답은 마스크와 장갑에 있었다.

이날 매장에 있던 네 명의 직원은 손님과 직접 대면하고 1, 2층을 수시로 오갔지만 KF94 마스크와 위생장갑을 근무시간 내내 착용했다.

전문가들은 이 같은 조치가 감염 차단을 도왔다고 설명한다.

마스크를 쓰면 입으로 들어올 세균의 수가 현저히 줄어들어 감염 위험을 낮춘다.

전문가들은 실내에서는 반드시 마스크를 착용할 것을 권고하고 있다.

SgtTryhard on August 23rd, 2020 at 03:23 UTC »

For those who want to know more about Korea's situation on COVID-19: There are two major outbreaks, one subdued and one ongoing. One in March started by a cult group named 신천지(Sincheonji). Their official name is 'Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony', but that's just a cover. This outbreak was subdued in a month or two.

The second one(the one that started last week) started from a church named 사랑제일교회(Sarangjeil Presbyterian Church). Korea is reporting about 300~400 cases per day. Before the Sarangjeil outbreak, the number was around 20~50. If it goes on until Aug 26th, Seoul will be under social distancing level 3(all sports activities canceled, gatherings of 10 or more prohibited, etc).

foggy__ on August 23rd, 2020 at 03:15 UTC »

I am a high school student in South Korea. We have had our schools open since May. What measures have we put out to control spread in our school hallways? Honestly, not much. The teachers know that they can't control hundreds of impulsive hormone filled kids, and they don't try to. The break times are chaotic and filled with kids hitting, hugging, and yelling at each other. It would be a prime ground for disease spread. There are very often stories of a teacher or a student testing positive two schools over. However, each time, it turns out barely none of their classmates contracted the disease from them. This is because everyone is vigilant about MASKS. Every student and teacher brings a mask to the school, no exception. There is a small percent of students with their nostrils out, but most of us wear the full thing throughout the day. The only time we take them off is at luch time, when full social distancing is enforced. And so far, I think it has worked. School infection cases are very rare now. I don't know how things will play out in the near future with the second church outbreak. However, I think that with everyone wearing masks, we will get it under control within weeks.

Masks work good. They work great. Please wear them. I've heard that some schools are being opened in America. I don't know how much masks are being worn there, but I truly believe that if mask wearing was fully enforced, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

cowboy2223 on August 23rd, 2020 at 02:21 UTC »

We had a worker work for two days around 40 to 50 coworkers but she wore a mask and washed her hands as well as her coworkers . 0 other people infected .