I think I’m normal...

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image showing I think I’m normal...

Zavije on August 21st, 2020 at 06:02 UTC »

Nah. We just had an actual car crash that killed three students.

dreamrealized on August 21st, 2020 at 06:24 UTC »

We had a whole show every year that involves the local police department and the ‘injured’ student being airlifted with a helicopter... I think my school was just very extra. Never a trial though just a lot of dramatic acting and a very expensive show from the police.

Cahl_ on August 21st, 2020 at 08:00 UTC »

My school did it once and it was unannounced. The fake dead person was a friend of mine and while I was convinced it was fake many people thought it was real. People crying and shit, and it was when we were on a field trip to a local college.

I knew my buddy didnt drive the type of car that was crashed, and also knew that he wasn't the type to skip school and wasnt part of the field trip. Made no sense. But there he was laying on the ground with blood all around him. Then cops pull up but no one is helping him. Weird fucking memory. Lol I pretty much completely forgot about it prior to this post.