
Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by AvaLadyofLight
image showing Oof

TENTAtheSane on August 22nd, 2020 at 11:44 UTC »

Wait so antifa is Pro Trump now? Or are Russian bots just pretending to be extremists from both sides to rile them up against each other?

Felgirl on August 22nd, 2020 at 13:50 UTC »

these guys are on reddit too. a lot of pro trump comments you find on front page posts are from 2 day old accounts

Donkey__Balls on August 22nd, 2020 at 14:32 UTC »

Can we stop calling them "bots" please? They're not quite that sophisticated yet but they use a lot of cheap labor created by Russia's failed economy and rampant corruption.

They're largely people getting shit pay to run dozens or hundreds of accounts each. Spending their days switching between VPN's and solving captchas, and sadly they rarely make blatant mistakes like this. They are given a basic script to draw from and using some computer programs to aid them, but it's largely done by humans, but in a very disingenuous way.

Calling them "bots" implies that this is purely being done by algorithms which would be much easier to spot, and therefore makes the general American public believe that they can tell the difference.