Breaking the cycle

Image from and submitted by regian24
image showing Breaking the cycle

dicky_laroo on August 22nd, 2020 at 12:05 UTC »

I have done a good job so far teaching that we don't get mad at accidents. You can be frustrated, but we deal with it, try to learn if it can be prevented in the future, and move on...

dinerdiva1 on August 22nd, 2020 at 13:06 UTC »

Isn't it empowering when you choose to break the cycle for your children?!?! It's makes you feel so wonderful to be the parent you always wished you had.

Afrer growing up in an abusive household I said it was done and I would protect my children in ways I wished I had been. I've made mistakes, but I never let my kids be abused.

You go, OP!!! Keep being that amazing parent and feel the self healing and love.

pickaname1978 on August 22nd, 2020 at 13:08 UTC »

Breaking generational bullshit is huge. I would get yelled at for accidentally knocking over a glass at the dinner table. Got the belt for peeing my pants in second grade because I was too afraid to ask to use the washroom (looking back, I now know why I was afraid to ask adults for anything). The list goes on. Raising children that feel safe and comfortable isn’t something that just happens. Lots of kids are raised to be scared of everything. It needs to stop.