Less than 2 days after moving in, one of my roommates scratched my new, nonstick pan with metal utensils

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by TangoTaco
image showing Less than 2 days after moving in, one of my roommates scratched my new, nonstick pan with metal utensils

RoyHobbs1 on August 20th, 2020 at 15:20 UTC »

That pan is toast. Even if you explain to your roommate, they will continue using a metal object disregarding objection. Welcome to your first crack in a roommate relationship. In a couple years you will look back at this moment and enjoy living alone.

pleasemakemelol on August 20th, 2020 at 15:23 UTC »

I lost two friends over this one time. My ex and I were living paycheck to paycheck, struggling but making it. We offered a "friend" to move in for free for 3 months, while he got back on his feet (his parents put him out because he was gay, we could relate because the same happened to us). One night, his friend came over and cooked and did this to our brand new pans that we had saved up to get... because his pans were all dirty and they didn't feel like cleaning them before cooking. I was crushed when I realized they were ruined and I confronted them... I was mocked and treated like a psycho for being upset for it. We never had the same friendship and it dissolved within a few months of him leaving...

Edit: damn, so many replies. Most of you are nice! I wanted to mention I’m gay, was put out by my parents, so was my ex, and so was the dude I offered a free place for 3 months. Dunno why I mentioned it, but it definitely wasn’t a jab or anything.

abigailclarson on August 20th, 2020 at 17:53 UTC »

I had a roommate once who told me to change out the light bulb on her lamp because I “used it last” so I was responsible. I also came home multiple times to her friends sleeping in my bed, using my laptop, eating my food, etc. Completely understand.