Just... wow.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by sosotheoneandonly
image showing Just... wow.

tubatrombone on August 12nd, 2020 at 10:26 UTC »

Tamal people? Is this idiot referring to Tamil speaking people from India (like her mother, who is from the state of Tamil Nadu in India)?

Not to mention, Ms. Harris' father is Jamaican not Indian (from the country of India). Hey

All that said, what the frick does "phony black" even mean?!

Edit:fix typo

Edit: added text indicating that her mother is Indian.

Historical_Cobbler on August 12nd, 2020 at 10:50 UTC »

I’ve heard her announcement on the news in the UK a few times today and she has so far been referred to as then “first African America woman, with An Indian mother”

Myxtro on August 12nd, 2020 at 13:04 UTC »

I thought the color of your skin was the indication for the color of your skin, not your blood