Prophet Muhammad to his army

Image from and submitted by jarvis_mark1
image showing Prophet Muhammad to his army

ElPapo131 on August 5th, 2020 at 21:03 UTC »

So literally just kill men that are fighting and only walk with no destruction.

dfbshaw on August 5th, 2020 at 22:06 UTC »

All well and good, but this would preclude Muslim armies from using artillery, high explosives, area effect weapons like heavy machine guns, mortars etc. Using those weapons, you will kill children, old people, sick people, animals, women, monks and priests, people who surrender and people running away. You will also destroy trees, buildings, temples and churches and disfigure the dead.

So are modern Muslim armies, ignoring Mohammed's (PBUH) teachings or are they bad Muslims?

faithfoliage on August 5th, 2020 at 23:50 UTC »

“Don’t enforce Islam”

So Indonesia, Malaysia, and other predominantly Islamic countries are not following Muhammed?