Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

Image from and submitted by alldaymacallan
image showing Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

deaduglyflower on August 6th, 2020 at 04:38 UTC »

Dude my racist uncle Bob said some racist shit at New Years Eve to my Mexican (now ex) gf. It's powerful to call out someone who doesn't expect you to call them out.

FaerieFay on August 6th, 2020 at 04:56 UTC »

Damn straight. Get that racist shit outta my Thanksgiving.

Ruraraid on August 6th, 2020 at 08:08 UTC »

I remember my grandmother having one rule if you came to her house for thanksgiving or any event. Leave work, politics, religion, and bigotry at the door because you're coming to her place for good food, good stories, and to be with family. Mind you she was a big religious person but also respectful of others. Due to this we would do a moment of silence rather than a traditional prayer. This is mostly because our family was kind of a melting pot of different cultures.

Anyways story time... One of my uncles refused to follow that simple rule of hers one year by spouting off some racist shit about another member at the table who was of mixed heritage. My grandmother got up to walk over behind him and firmly said his full name in a loud tone. He knew that she was pissed but ten seconds later she took his plate and threw it in the sink shattering it. She then walked over and opened the front door before walking back to the table to sit down. She turned to him and gave him coldest piercing stare that I've ever seen for about 20 seconds. Sure enough my uncle got the message and quietly left without saying a word. She then cracked a smile and apologized to the rest of the family.

God I miss her because she was that old school bible belt "I don't tolerate any bullshit" kind of person.